Star Wars Stormtrooper Helmet Papercraft


Though the word is derived from the World War, it should be known that these Stormtroopers from Star Wars are nothing less. Emperor Palaptine and his Storm troopers are quite awe inspiring and the way they do their job without questioning is something only the most android of the lot could do. Here are a few Japanese papercraft works created by a Japanese artist.

With all the due respect given to the Storm troopers in the game, the Japanese guy has created these Storm Trooper helmets that look and feel great even to hold. The Japanese guy took a real storm trooper helmet and converted it into a skinnable toy. The resulting papercraft helmets are well designed and looks natural and stylish, instead of just looking like a polygon.

These specialist military troops were seen both in World War I and in Star Wars. We must not also forget their appearances in many other popular culture references. With messages like “Born to Kill” it would surely offend many parents as they would not like their children wearing or using such slogans. Nevertheless, the papercraft helmets are too cool to be ignored. You could also check out the Storm trooper Coasters and the Chrome Storm trooper.

Via: FXConsole