Jonas Damon’s iPad Case And Fruit Bowl Are Creative And Nostalgic

A love for innovative designs and the employing of old and outdated home appliances, are the factors inspiring Jonas Damon’s  great designs like the iPad case and the fruit bowl.

iPad case and fruit bowl

The iPad case designed by Jonas is wooden. However, no single thing used for making this wooden case was purchased. rather,  the material to build it were found lying around in the nooks and crannies of his apartment. The style of the case resembles that of an old-school cathode-ray television which adds a charming retro touch to the whole thing. The overall look of the case is completed with his use of the screensaver depicting an 50’s grainy television snow. It’s a a truly brilliant tribute to the TV days of yesteryear.

iPad case fruit bowl

Jonas’ love for the unused but valuable things is reflected in  another of his creations as well. It is a fruit bowl that Jonas  made for his family .He stated it is this memory from his childhood days that has inspired him in crating it. The first look at the fruit bowl will definitely confuse you for a moment. It doesn’t like a traditional fruit bowl that can be found on the dining table. Jonas explains that the idea for going with such an off-the-track fruit bowl design came to his mind as he recalled the Clementine crates of his childhood.

So, in both the works, Jonas Damon has rightly pulled inspiration from some of the nostalgic moments of his life. The artistic experiences and knowledge of Jonas Damon are beyond question. He pulls from two distinct designers from two very different camps for his idol and inspiration. These two great designers are the kitsch of pop artist Jeff Koons and the very famous German industrial designer Dieter Rams. However, Jonas is also a follower of the Rams camp and has in the past introduced some of the best designs by working under Areaware, a design company who incorporates some of the great designers of the world.

There are so many things in our home that stay unused for one reason or another.Jonas Damon proves we can very well use them to create something amazing. For other Damon examples of genius, check out the Old VHS Player Toaster, or Homemade Conducive Stylus for your iPad.

fruit bowl iPad Case

Via: Sightunseen